Most influential people who made the life of millions!

There is a fist of people in the world of millions, who had spent their whole life to nourish the lives of others. 
It’s not who they are, it’s why they are the only one! Centuries over centuries pass by, and the earth collects its true gems. 
The gems which refract light to enlighten others. The undesirable stones that had converted themselves into one of the most valuable gems.
They have conquered the battles of their life, fell off again from the victory; still, never broke. They fought back and succeeded to become dhruvtara; the star that guides everyone.
Let’s meet a plethora of personalities right here!

  • Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam

The 11th president of India, The Missile Men of India, the Public President; who is not familiar with these titles of great aerospace scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Rising from poverty, selling newspapers in childhood, average grades in school,  Kalam always dreamed to be a fighter pilot. However, he failed.

He never stopped at failures, instead gave a great contribution to Indian space and country. Being a great motivational speaker, he never stopped working or serving the nation. ‘Wings of fire' and many books, awards are the treasure he left for the nation.

  • Mother Teresa

A lady full of compassion, kindness, and love; honored with Noble prize for peace, Bharat Ratna, and innumerable awards. Mother Teresa is famous for unequivocal charity and helps towards the poorest of the poor by providing them essential services. 
She gave shelter and care to people suffering from HIV, AIDS, Leprosy, and Tuberculosis. Soup kitchens, dispensaries, mobile clinics, counseling programs, orphanage, schools are the other services she provided to the poor. Serving 133 countries with over 4500 nuns, many books, and teachings are basic works by her for us. 

  • Swami Vivekananda

Narendranath Datta was a great Indian Hindu motivational speaker cum monk. He did spread the thoughts of humanity, brotherhood, yoga, Vedanta, and nationalism among youth. He believed in the concept of right values for the nation among youth, as youth are the future of the nation. His motivational speeches and books like Rajyoga, Karamyoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, and others are the incredible heritage for youth. His birthday is celebrated as National Youth Day; as inspired the youth not only of India but the entire world.

  • Nelson Mandela

Africa’s Father of Nation, the icon of democracy, Black pimpernel are the nicknames provided by his loved country to him. He was the first black president of South Africa. He fought against racism, which was a dreadful plague over that time. Black people were forbidden from many prestigious services of the country, basic rights, entries, and many other things. 
He did non-violent protests, marches, revolutions for the equality of black people. Even after imprisonment for 27 years, he didn't stop and finally brought democracy, equality in the country.
Honored by more than 250 awards, being a lawyer, anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader; had written many inspirational books like Long walk to freedom.
He faced many legal oppressions but never gave up and today is an immortal inspiration for the world.

  • Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

The bliss of untouchables; Dalit, the first law and justice minister of independent India, a jurist, economist, social reformer, political leader; Babasaheb Ambedkar is one of the most honorable inspirational people of the world. Facing immense castism in childhood, he was forbidden to sit in school along with other children, drink water from the same source, visit temples, and many other miserable things.

Right then, he started to study and achieved the highest no. of degrees, removed the curse of untouchability from India, established a constitution, and designed a new India.  

It doesn’t matter what is your religion, where do you belong, which caste is yours; all that matters is your deed. There are many gems like them in the world, and you can be one of them. Just stand for humanity, be kind, be helpful, and move towards your aim unstoppably. This is how they emerged, and you can too!
