Beautiful Flower Orchards to Visit

Beautiful Flower Orchards to Visit

    Image Credits: @aleskrivec Unsplash

A bunch of flowers with mesmerizing fragrance is all that needed for a charming smile.

When girls are high enough of temper, what is the thing that melts them in seconds? It’s your day saver beautiful bouquets, they indirectly initiate a peaceful conversation, and express your apology. Its fragrance tells her the secrets of your depth of love and brings a lovely smile over the cute faces of both. 

For planning a memorable trip with the family, visiting vibrant flower orchards is an amazing option. Relaxing in the lap of mother nature, cold valleys, and a serene atmosphere is none less than heaven.

Let's have a quick visit to these heavenly orchards of blossom.

Valley of flowers, Uttrakhand

A UNESCO World Heritage site residing in the middle of Baghundar valley, Uttrakhand; surrounded by the great Himalayas; is also popular as a valley of flowers.

Here, every part of the valley is covered by beautiful ranges of alpine flowers, the rare flowers Brahmakamal, yellow cobra lily, Jacque Mont’s cobra lily, Wallich's cobra Lily, Slipper orchids, and Himalayan Marshorchid.

As soon as the sun rises behind the valley and its golden rays fall over the lovely flowerets, a seraphic aura can be felt that remains as one of the mesmerizing memories of your lifetime.

Khaas plateau of Maharashtra

The celestial Switzerland of western India; the Khasa plateau, a UNESCO World Heritage site, lies in Satara of Maharashtra. As far as the eyesight goes, the only land covered with pink and blue aesthetics can be seen.

Here lies a rare purple-pink wildlife variety of flowers, that grows every 7 years. Possessing 850 species of flowering Ytura, toothbrush orchids, Deepkadi flowers, and Indian Arrowroot.

The best season to visit here in August to September.

Dzukau Valley in Nagaland

The valley lies at the border of Nagaland and Manipur, as well as it is least familiar to commercialization. Only locals, mountain trackers, and, a fist of people know about its divine beauty.

It derives its name from the rare species of Dzukau white and pink lilies.

The celestial panorama brings immense happiness and rejoices to the soul. The vivid colors and their admirable aroma say it all.

The best time to visit is from June to September.

Yumthang Valley, Sikkim 

Elegant primroses, cobra lilies, cinquefoils, Iris, and Poppies are the native beauties of here. It is surrounded by the angelic Himalayas, consists of fluffy yaks and relaxing hot springs.

Here lies Shingba Rhododendron sanctuary with 24 varieties of mentioned flowers. Late Feb to mid-June is the most favored duration to visit here.

Munar Valley, Kerala


This is the most desirable site to be visited by tourists across the world. In the months from August to October, every 12 years, the Munar valley takes a bath in the elegant blue color of nature’s grace.

This time all the valley get veiled in blue colored Neelakurinji, which blossoms only once every 12 years. 

The scene is stunning and a wonder to even imagine!

Tulip garden, Kashmir

Who is the unfortunate that is not familiar with the great, colorful, vibrant Tulips of Kashmir?

Red, yellow, white, orange, pink, blue tulips; what not is there? Hyacinths, Narcissus, Daffodils, Muscaria, Iris, tulip are the main varieties of flower orchards.

Nishant Bagh and Chashma Sahi Mughal garden are the adjoining beauties here.

It lies in Srinagar and is preferred to visit from March to April.

Flowers: A spectacular art of nature

The history of flowers has its evidence from the Mughal gardens of India.

India has always been fond of beauty and vivid nature.

A flower has great potential to cherish an exhausting day in a few minutes. Flowers never compete with their siblings, rather it is always engaged to enhance its colors and aroma. It spreads positivity, happiness, and peace on its own.

Similarly, Bulgaria rose valley, The valley of Poppies, Clair Lilly valley, and Lavender fields of France, are also famous flower orchards to visit outside India.

Holidays and trips are not only about beaches and mountains, but it is also about variant colorful florets of nature; that is just waiting for you to blossom!
