How to train your dog?

Dogs are one of those parts which are quick learner.

Are you also struggling to train a dog?

Why training a pet is so important?

Dogs are considered very lovely, loyal, and cute pets and so they are.

How can we train basic commands to our dog without a proper trainer?

Which are the must to do steps to train a dog efficiently?

Let us learn some quick tricks for that.

  • Selection of the pet name

Everyone deserves to have a name that represents his personality. A  name and its pronunciation determine the impact it over the dog.

Psychologically a pet should be provided a small and common name that is soothing to his ears too.

  • Making things crystal clear

Just before having a pet, decide with your family what are the dos and don'ts for him. Like at which places it is allowed to visit and which do not.

This would make things clear for you both and there would be no confusion.

  • Providing a proper shelter

Likewise, we are most comfortable in our home, dogs also like to be more comfortable at theirs.

As soon as you bring a puppy, provide it a proper shelter of his own, that belongs only to him.

It would relax him and provide his privacy that everyone must respect.

  • The reward for his nice behavior

To teach the difference between right and wrong; you have to reward him for his good deeds and punish him for his bad.

They would enable him to distinguish between right and wrong.

It would also encourage him to follow your instructions and do the correct.

  • Prohibit jumping-off behavior

Dogs have a habit of jumping off in excitement.

They greet each other from nose to nose and hence want to repeat the same with humans too, so they jump off.

This could be dangerous and may result in severe injuries.

So when they try to do so, just avoid them and do not reward anything.

  • Teach them to obey instructions

There are few basic commands like to sit, stay, lie down, stop, drop, etc.

Explaining these commands and training to follow them is quite easy.

Be calm, positive, and patient while giving instructions; you have to match his capability of learning.

Always reward on the point, so that he learns the worth of the right habits.

  • Consistent and punctual training

Just select a particular time of training according to the dog’s comfort zone. 

Be consistent with it, so the dog may adapt the training in the same manner as you convey.

Having a fixed training ti
I and duration would allow the dog to already be mentally prepared.

Training of basic commands to a dog

1. Sit

It is one of the easiest commands to teach. Bring the treat close to his nose; then, gradually move your hand up and allow his head to follow the same direction. As soon as he sits down, reward him quickly, and do practice a few times.

2. Stay

First, open your palm in front of the dog, then take a few steps back, day by day gradually increase the number of steps. As soon as he stops, reward him and practice for a few days.

3. Come 

This is one of the important steps a dog must learn.

 First, put a collar in his neck and then go down. Now gently pull the belt towards you and ask him to come, when he follows your instruction, reward him.

4. Lie down

First hold the treat in your fist, hold up your hand, and let him sniff. 

Now move down your fist slowly and slide your hand on the ground, as soon as does the same, reward him.

Dogs are very easy and cute animals to have as a pet.

 Many people are dog lovers, but they can’t manage them and their anger. Hence,  to train a dog efficiently at least some basic commands are a need. It is not a very difficult task to do so, just follow some simple tricks as soon as the puppy attains an age of 6 months and go ahead.
