Hidden superheroes among us

Hidden superheroes among us

Humanity is still alive; there are many people across the world to prove this statement correct. 

These people are not so rich, so wealthy, so powerful, or so ambitious; they are one among us.

A person is human if he believes to be kind, helpful, and genuine towards others. There is a vast difference between to say and to do. Here is a list of the later ones.

Here are the few people who have turned themselves into superheroes for the needy ones; let's have a moment to recognize and appreciate their efforts.

  • ‘Naresh bhaiya k van'

Image source: DonateKart Facebook Page

A 24-year young boy is proving himself as the godfather of migrant workers since 2017.

He runs a van named Naresh bhaiya ki van, in Ahmedabad which prepares the Aadhar Card, bank account, and PAN of the migrant workers.

He charges a nominal fee of Rs. 30 or Rs. 40 and make migrant workers aware of various government schemes and plans.

With the help of SBI and UDAI, Mr. Naresh Sijapati has been able to serve thousands of migrant workers.

  • Issac: The cow saver

Image Source: IndiaTimes

Now and then we come to know about the death of many street animals due to low visibility at night.

Mr. Issac has invented a new way to save the street cows from dreadful accidents.

He puts radium strips on the horns of cows so that they could be easily visible at night.

He always keeps twenty radium strips in his pockets so that wherever he finds street cows, he could save them.

  • Bhaskar Jadhav: An aware consumer

Image Credits: The Better India

It is quite easy to explore the monopoly of various businesses that sell their products more than the mentioned MRP.

This is what happened with Mr. Bhaskar Jadhav, in a popular Mumbai restaurant where the restaurant charged Rs. 10  extra on MRP mentioned Rs. 165 ice cream in 2014.

Does every businessman think what the consumer would do for such a pitiful amount?

But that monopoly of the restaurant turned them towards blunder.

The sub-inspector Bhaskar Jadhav filed a case in court and the restaurant faced a heavy fine of Rs. 2 lakh over that. 

  • Vithura police station, Kerala

Image Credits: The News Minute

We have always heard," where is a will, there is a way”, but have seen a few examples which prove it in today’s era too.

Sub-inspector Mr. SL Sudheesh walks 6 kilometers every day through a hill, to teach 9 tribal kids free of cost.

As there is not any education center available, the team has built an education center inside the Hamlet itself. 

Moreover, they provide quality education with projectors, some government teachers, and by themselves to tribal kids.

  • The great Sikhs

Image Source: NDTV

Whenever trouble has knocked the doors of innocent lives, the Sikhs have always selflessly served the most that they could. 

The great Hemkunt foundation of Sikhs feeds 8000 poor people every day and has provided food and essential commodities to 2.5 lakh people yet.

In the lockdown period, when old citizens, pregnant ladies, young children were walking Hungary and barefooted on the street, the foundation was there with the sole aim of, "welfare for hall”; who served food, essential commodities, sanitary napkins to migrant workers. They believe in staying away from humans but not from humanity in this pandemic era.

  • How a true MLA should be?

Folks, let’s meet Z.R. Thiamsanga of the Mizo National front party, Mizoram.

While he was surveying the earthquake-hitten places of Mizoram, he came to know about a 38-year-old pregnant lady Mrs. C Laltimangaishangi.

The hospital was at a 10 hours distance from her place, so the MLA decided to carry out the delivery himself as he is a gynecologist too.

He says that he always carries a stethoscope and essential medical instruments with him; as emergency could be anytime and carried out a successful delivery with safe mother and child

Similarly Mrs. Vidhya Shelke, the Mumbai cab driver; Bangalore teenagers serving free sanitary napkins, Dubai crown prince: the animal lover; many people among us have proved themselves the real superheroes of today's world.

There are a lot of people among us who are constantly, selflessly helping the needy ones.

They all are rich in gems of humanity and kindness.

Every single effort matters, each individual has individual effects of his deeds.

All that we have to do is just be a little nice and a little careful about our surroundings.

If they can, then every single person can!
