Giloy The Immortality drug

 The immortal drug of nature: Giloy

A flawless skin, eternal beauty, abundant power, and sovereignty to rule over the laws of nature; is what we call immortality.

 Incredible Ayurveda and Upanishads have always confirmed the essence of being immortal.

Well, how immortality can be achieved? Is there any magical herb to do so?

Why Giloy has always earned the tag of the immortal drug?

What are the reap benefits of Giloy in terms of immortality?

 A herbal vine growing in the tropical regions of Srilanka and Myanmar;  Giloy is popularly referred to as Guduchi in native and Amrita in Ayurveda. ‘Amrita', means something that makes you immortal.

How Giloy is an 'Amrit' to humans?


Eternal benefits of Giloy 


Giloy possesses innumerable advantages due to its magical healing properties. It heals every organ of your body owing to its magnificent everlasting elements. Some of them are listed below:

  • Anti-aging power

Who doesn’t want glowing and cheerful skin devoid of any scars and pimples? This is for what Giloy is there. It effectively reduces dark spots, removes fine lines and wrinkles, affects melatonin production in cells to lighten and brighten it. Melatonin is a hormone that is responsible for skin tone. Itts skin cells from damage, hence avoids aging.

  • Immunity booster

In this COVID time, it becomes more necessary to realize the importance of giloy as an immunity booster. The most profound impact of giloy consumption is seen in terms of strong immunity. Amrita helps in the purification of blood, toxin removal, treating infertility, and combats liver disorders, urinary tract infections, as well as pathogens too. Thus, making the immune system more responsive and active towards any anomaly of the body. 

  •  Stress buster

The most dangerous foe of humans is his negative mentality itself. Depression and suicides have become routine news covering news channels. All the credit goes to stress and anxiety, human gains due to his work, environment, and monotonous routine.

This heart left moonseed serves as a magnificent health tonic to calm you down, relieves stress and anxiety, and releasing antidepressant factors in the body. No stress, hence no depression. No depression, thus no more suicides, hence it is an elixir to live.

  • Vision elevator

Giloy also improves vision power and magnifies resolution of eye. For this you have to use the following procedure. Application of Guduchi stem powder boiled in water over the eyelids can significantly improve focusing power and vision of your eyes.

  • Antipyretic tendency

Antipyretic nature means the nature of fever reduction. Owing to fever elimination properties, Ayurveda enormously uses amrita in the treatment of deadly diseases like malaria, dengue, and swine flu. Thus, if you want to get rid of chemical provoked medicines even in your unhealthy times, use Guduchi.

  • Digestion heaver

The most common problem encountered by every 3rd person in the world is constipation. 

Today’s modern unhealthy and hectic lifestyle has led to an adverse effect on the natural digestion procedure of humans.

Here giloy comes with its thrusting effects over bowling movement of the digestive system, to ease the procedure and thus relieving constipation.

  • Asthma fighter

It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, simply meaning swelling reduction tendency. It helps to treat cough, common cold, and tonsils, thus reducing respiratory problems.

It also deprives asthmatic symptoms, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Meanwhile, providing natural remediation to asthmatic patients.

  • Diabetes and arthritis  treatment

Consumption of Giloy stem powder boiled in milk relieves joint pain, hence arthritis. However, being a hypoglycaemic agent helps to reduce blood sugar levels too. It is a potent blood sugar-lowering agent, thus regular monitoring of blood sugar level is essential. 


A fit mind resides in a fit body. No money, person, luxury, or service can entertain us unless our self-body is fit and fine. Immortality can be achieved only in an absolute fit body.

Owing to the abundant magical, medicinal, and natural elevating properties of Giloy, it is known as a root of immortality.

Apart from these advantages, it serves a countless number of benefits to our health like lowering blood sugar, reducing weight, fat loss, combating hair problems, detoxification, and much more.

Giloy can be easily consumed in powder, juice, or capsule form.  However, its consumption in pregnancy and breastfeeding must be avoided.  

Its bitter taste may bother you a little, but remember dear friends; bitter is better and in this case, it is a wonder! 

It is a trump card in the voyage of healthiest, everlasting, and magnificent life.

Written By:- Khushi


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