7 lovely ways to propose a girl!

The most difficult task in the world for a lover is to gain a 'yes' from his/her partner. Falling in love is far easier than expressing it, and even convincing the loved one that she is the special one who has brought spring in winters of his life.

Are you also imagining a fancy proposal for an irresistible yes? The moment when we first meet our life partner, the moment of a decent proposal, and the moment of a divine wedding are some of the precious moments of our life.

Hence, the precious moments must be held in a precious manner; a way that is unforgettable for both; and of course at a precious destination.

When it comes to innovation and expression, boys always lag and become nervous. So here we are to bring a sparkle in your proposals that will compel your girlfriend to say ' YES'!

  • Mystery clues hunt

Image Source: ThatSweetGift

It depends on how grand you want it to be. You can leave small trails of messages cum riddles at different places. It can be inside the home or in a complete neighborhood. Every step of her with a new clue will finally bring her to you, holding a ring with a vast banner of the proposal. It would amaze her and she would be thrilled to say yes!  

  • Cute pets 

Image Source: pixels

Imagine a morning when she wakes up and finds your puppy inside her room with a tag in the neck of your popup! It can say like will you borrow my owner as a forever love? The cute pet with an acute message is such a genuine and lovely day to propose. When she would open her door, you can be right on your knees holding flowers, a ring, and unconditional love in your eyes!

  • Box of joy

Image Source: Unsplash

Let a courier get delivered to her house. Stay with her when she starts opening it. A big box with many boxes of consecutive varying sizes; each possessing a photograph with a lovely memory written behind. Let nostalgia surround her before your proposal. When she opens the last one let it say look at me. Right then, switch on the fairy lights and a romantic song and express it! This situation will make her ready to accept your proposal with lots of emotions overwhelming her heart!

  • Theatre surprises


When both of you are ready for the movie in the theatre, let the screen display her lovely pictures with every theme asking her to marry you? As soon as the end of the slides go on the stage, and ask her to come if she accepts. The theatre will burst with applauds, everyone saying her to say yes, and boom you got your moment.

  • Holiday trip

Image source: pexels

Take her to the destination she always wanted to be. Set a destination that is calm and soothing like sunsets or beaches and set a beautiful date there.

Wait for her arrival and express your feeling either singing or poetry very smoothly. Let her get indulge in the serene atmosphere of a charming destination. Hold her hand and say you can do this for her, whole life. Express and enjoy the evening.

  • Multiple floating sky balloon

Image source: unsplash

Take her on open ground and say your friend to slowly release a colorful bunch of balloons in the sky with small light banners of her appreciation.

Write her nicknames, fantasies, and her adorable actions. Let the final range of balloons have only one question written on them! And get her answer by proposing a ring immediately.

  • Candlelight dinner

Image source: unsplash

Ask her for a casual date, and get her for a proper candlelight dinner if you have lots of money. This might be an old and common way; still, it is the most decent and innocent way to ask. It signifies your gentle, soft, and sophisticated nature. It never gets out of the trend, so just go for it.

Proposals have always been an important and memorable part of eternal love stories. So, do your best to make them the most beautiful and special to the maximum extent you can. Use your words wisely and just be yourself. Just a little effort and love, she would be yours forever! 
